Wondering what the office looks like?
We moved to 734 Terminal Ave North in October 2021, and took over the whole house in January 2023.

Megan's Playtherapy room

Feelings check in

Welcome to Playtherapy!

Megan's Playtherapy room

Megan's Playtherapy room

Megan's Playtherapy room

Megan's Room

Megan's Room

Megan's Room

Kristen's room

Kristen's room

Kristen's room

Practicum Counsellor's Room

Practicum Counsellor's Room

Practicum Counsellor room

Erin's Room

Erin's Room

Erin's Room

Erin's Room

Craft table when we have family therapy and friendship groups

Waiting area, we also run our groups here and use this space for family therapy

Waiting area

Children's play area while waiting